Plant greenish-brown, rising barely above ground level, sub-globose, flattened on top, 2-6cm high, 4-8cm in diam.; tubercles divergent, often flaccid and not erect, not crowded or basally compressed, acute at the apices, flattened adaxially, not fissured, not strongly incurved, 3-7cm long, 5-10mm broad, more than 4 times as long as wide; areoles 5-12mm from the tips of the tubercles, rounded, 2-5 mm in diam.; spines none or rarely 2, 2-4mm long, whitish; flowers 3.5-4.2cm in diam., 2-5cm long; outer perianth segments magenta with greenish-white margins,15-20mm long, 4-5.5mm broad, slightly mucronate, margins smooth; inner penanth parts deep magenta, 20-25mm long, 5-10mm broad; pistil exserted 2-3mm above the stamens; style white. 1-2cm long; stigmas 5-8, 1-2.5mm long; fruit pinkish-red to reddishpurple, globose to elongate, 10-20mm long, 5-12mm in diam.